Apex London Wall Hotel map

Apex London Wall Hotel From Central London: 2.1 miles (3.3 km)
Tube Station: Moorgate 0.2 miles (0.2 km)
Railway Station: London Liverpool Street 0.3 miles (0.5 km)
DLR Station: Tower Gateway 0.7 miles (1.2 km)
Motorway: M1 Junction 1, 7.2 miles (11.6 km)

Address: Copthall Avenue, City of London, EC2, England, UK

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SHOW NEXT NEAREST HOTELS:  1-10:  11-20:   21-30:   31-40:   41-50:    

Apex London Wall Hotel is near to The Bank of England and the Guildhall.
London City Airport is the closest airport to Apex London Wall Hotel. The airport, a hub for European and domestic flights, is just eight miles away.
Take the Docklands Light Railway straight to Bank Station and you should be here within half an hour. Alternatively let someone else worry about directions and hail a taxi, although your journey may take longer because of London traffic.
London is within easy reach of four further airports. Luton and Stansted serve European and domestic flights, while planes land at Heathrow and Gatwick from almost everywhere in the world.

Moorgate is the closest London Underground station to the hotel. Get out here and we are only a short walk away.
Bank is our nearest DLR Station, also on the Underground network, again only a short walk away.
Liverpool Street Station is the nearest mainline station to us. Once again, it is only a few minutes by foot to our door. However if that heavy luggage is weighing you down the taxi rank is always full of eager cabbies ready to help.


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