Thistle Piccadilly map

Thistle Piccadilly From Central London: 0.1 miles (0.2 km)
Tube Station: Piccadilly Circus 0.1 miles (0.2 km)
Railway Station: London Charing Cross 0.4 miles (0.6 km)
Motorway: M1 Junction 1, 6.0 miles (9.6 km)

Address: 39 Coventry Street, London, England, UK, W1D 6BZ

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SHOW NEXT NEAREST HOTELS:  1-10:  11-20:   21-30:   31-40:   41-50:    

By Car:
From the M4:
- Follow signs for Central London through Knightsbridge.
- Take the underpass approaching Hyde Park Corner into Piccadilly Street and continue to Piccadilly Circus.
- From Piccadilly Circus follow signs to Leicester Square. This is a one-way street.
- Turn left into Coventry Street and then Whitcomb Street.
- The nearest NCP car park is 100 metres away.

From the M1:
- Exit at Junction 2 on to the A1 and follow signs for the city.
- At Archway continue along Holloway Road, also known as the A1, following signs for King's Cross.
- From King's Cross Station follow signs for West End and Piccadilly and then follow the directions given above.

By Train:
The nearest mainline station is Charing Cross. Turn left out of the station and cross Trafalgar Square, past the National Gallery and up Whitcomb Street. The hotel is located at the top of Whitcomb Street opposite the Swiss Centre.

By Air (from Heathrow Airport):
Take the Piccadilly underground line direct to Piccadilly Circus. Alternatively take the Heathrow Airbus to Victoria Railway Station. Take a taxi from Victoria, only 7.5 km away.


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